Wednesday 6 August 2014

The 30 Day Yoga Challenge

The 30 day yoga challenge? 30 days committed to doing yoga for around 10-20 minutes every day? Was I up for it? Well looking at the list of "30 day challenges" I have pinned to my wall and realising that I gave up on all of them after day 4, it seems like I'm probably going to quit this one as well. It's worth a try.

Yep, all those 30 day challenges that I gave up on!

Seven years ago, I broke my back a little when I was skiing. Something which I didn't realise I'd done until 2 and 1/2 years later after experiencing constant pain. Unfortunately, as I left it so long before doing anything, the break healed up and left me with a slight deformity in my spine and I have been in constant pain ever since. I have been seeing a physiotherapist monthly for the last 2 years and last week was discharged from their care as they decided that the movement and strength in my spine had made a positive difference and I was able to manage my pain better.

This injury means I find it difficult to do certain exercises as my spine is incredibly stiff and has a lot less movement in it than it should have. Things like arching my back ever so slightly forward, is near on impossible for me to do.

I've always been very active and flexible, but over the last 7 years, my body has stiffened up quite a lot and I've needed to get more movement in it. Things like yoga, are difficult for me to do properly, but I wanted to give it a proper go. I've been to and tried a couple of different yoga/pilates classes and DVDs but gave up on them quickly because a) they didn't feel right for me, b) lack of money to continuously pay for classes, c) lack of effort.

When I heard about the 30 day yoga challenge, I thought I'd give it a go.

I first heard about it in someone's YouTube vlog, so checked out the website - "Free Online Video Yoga Classes For 30 Days. Sent Directly To Your Email Inbox" - sounded great! All I had to do was enter my email address. Within the space of a minute, my first yoga class was in my inbox!

I was pleasantly surprised at how the yoga teacher, Erin Motz, ran her sessions. She didn't power through the classes like the DVDs do, thinking that you're already a yoga expert and therefore need no time to inhale and exhale. She took her time and made it more of a laid-back approach.

My first yoga session done and I hadn't stressed out because I hadn't exhaled the inhale I took at the start yet!

Day 2 and I was still as happy as I was on day 1. I didn't feel like I was rushing the moves or pushing myself too hard for someone who was only starting out.

I was so happy with the way my back was holding up throughout the sessions and didn't feel like I was doing something I shouldn't.

I think this is going to be something that I will get past day 4 on and hopefully make it to day 30!

So this is where I say GO AND TRY IT! You don't have to have done any yoga before to do this so anyone can give it a go. You don't have to be super flexible, because I'm not anymore, although, I am hoping this will bring it all back to me! I'm only on day 3 so why don't you join me in committing to 30 days of exercise and yoga!

Namaste xx

P.S. I'll let you know when/if I make it past day 4!!

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